What Are the Benefits of Using Bellbird?
Bellbird is a corporate service that offers a range of systems for online communication. In this article, we will explain...
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What Are the Benefits of Using Bellbird?
Bellbird is a corporate service that offers a range of systems for online communication. In this article, we will explain...
How App-Free Calls Help Lead to a More Efficient Business
People today are performing fewer and fewer tasks on computers, and instead are relying solely on smartphones. Specifically among business...
How Freedom from Call Accounts Can Enhance Your Business
Many video calling services require users to create a dedicated account in order to use the system, either once at...
Unlock Greater Business Potential by Removing Call Limits
Call time limits are common in video calling systems. In many of these systems, users must purchase a paid account...
Bellbird's Simultaneous Call Feature
The account system is common in video calling tools. Typically, an account only allows one call URL to be issued...
Handle Lesson Issues Efficiently with Real-Time Call Records
When conducting online lessons, interruptions due to technical issues, miscommunication between participants or other unforeseen circumstances are inevitable. When problems...
【2024.12 Update】”English for Young Learners” have been updated!
We’re pleased to announce a new feature update to our material system. ”English for Young Learners” have been updated! Following...
【2024.12 Update】Better Call Log Navigation with New Scroll Bar
Better Call Log Navigation with New Scroll Bar Bellbird utilizes a call log that enables users to view the records...
【2024.04 Update】New English materials are now available for kids!
Thank you for your continued patronage.We would like to inform you of a feature update regarding the video calling system....
【2024.10 Update】Audio playback is now synchronized for all participants
We’re pleased to announce a new feature update to our video calling system. Audio playback is now synchronized for all...
What is Bellbird?
Bellbird is a service for corporations that provides various systems related to online communication on an OEM basis. It is...
Bellbird Releases its First Major Update!
Bellbird is a service for corporations that provides video calling systems and online English materials on an OEM basis.The service,...
What Are the Benefits of Using Bellbird?
Bellbird is a corporate service that offers a range of systems for online communication. In this article, we will explain...
How App-Free Calls Help Lead to a More Efficient Business
People today are performing fewer and fewer tasks on computers, and instead are relying solely on smartphones. Specifically among business...
【Finished】50% OFF for 1 year! Bellbird Trial Campaign!
Bellbird is an OEM video calling system for corporations that host calls or online lessons as part of their business...
【2024.04 Update】Tab function that allows simultaneous operations added
Thank you for your continued patronage.We would like to inform you of a feature update regarding the video calling system....
OEM and ODM Explained: What Are the Pros and Cons of Each?
OEM and ODM have become common terms in the business world. There are major differences between these two manufacturing models,...
【2024.04 Update】Floating Video Function for Smartphone Added!
Thank you for your continued patronage.We would like to inform you of a feature update regarding the video calling system....