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【2023.04 Update】The sorting function on the call URL list page has been updated

【2023.04 Update】The sorting function on the call URL list page has been updated

Thank you for your continued patronage.
We would like to inform you of a feature update regarding the video calling system.

The sorting function on the call URL list page has been updated

The call URL list page is where you can see all call URLs issued in the past. From this page, it is now easier than ever to find a specific call URL by filtering a search by "Participant" and "URL creator" criteria.

For Bellbird customers, you can access the list page from the menu on the admin screen shown below.
TOP > Calls > Meeting Bookings
*If you have trouble finding the menu below, please contact the person in charge.

管理画面内meeting bookingsの場所
Excellent for:
・Companies that want records of URLs that a specific person has joined
・Companies that want records of URLs generated by a specific person

Thank you for reading. We will continue to use your feedback as a basis for more improvements in the future. If you have any concerns, requests or questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking the button below.
Thank you for your continued support.