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【2024.06 Update】Screen Sharing Access Can Now Be Toggled Separately

【2024.06 Update】Screen Sharing Access Can Now Be Toggled Separately

Thank you for your continued patronage.
We would like to inform you of a feature update regarding the video calling system.

Screen Sharing Access Can Now Be Toggled Separately

The Screen Share feature allows users to share the screen they are currently viewing with all participants in a video call.

Now, the ability to use this feature can be restricted to the host or to the participants.

For example, disabling screen sharing for participants will prevent them from taking over the screen while the host is explaining something using screen sharing. This is especially recommended for lessons aimed at preschool children, where the above scenario is likely to occur.

Host side with screen sharing turned on
<Host view with screen sharing enabled>
<Participants with screen sharing turned off>
<Participants' view with screen sharing disabled>

As before, it is also possible to completely hide the screen sharing function for all participants. If you would like assistance in enabling/disabling this feature, please contact our staff.

Excellent for:
Companies that want to keep tighter control over who leads a call

Thank you for reading. We will continue to use your feedback as a basis for more improvements in the future. If you have any concerns, requests or questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking the button below.
Thank you for your continued support.

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