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How to Become Fluent Faster

How to Become Fluent Faster

We all want to become fluent in English, and the sooner the better. But how do we speed up our learning?

Ask yourself the following five questions, and you’ll quickly see what you need to do!

1. What Do You Define As Fluency?

First, you’ll need to figure out what “English” or “fluency” means to you. For example, do you mean conversational English, business English, travel English, survival English, or medical English? 

Another way to think about this is: What do you see yourself doing with English? Research has shown that learners are more motivated when they have a clear idea of how they can use a language. This motivation can then help them learn more quickly.

To figure out what you want to do with English, check out Pearson GSE’s lists of common learning goals. Pick the goals that best suit your needs and prioritize them. Then, use this guide to learn how you can reach these goals in the fastest way possible.

2. How Often Do You Use English?

If you want to become a fluent speaker, ask yourself, “How often do I speak English?” If you want to become a faster reader, ask yourself, “How often do I read in English?” 

In other words, ask yourself how often you do the things you want to become good at. Then see how you can do them more often. The more practice you get, the faster you’ll improve.

For example, if you want to be fluent in English, you can find more chances to practice speaking. Immersion is an effective way to do this, but these days, you don’t have to be in an English-speaking country to do this. You just have to speak in English. Yes, even to yourself!

3. How Much Do You Like Studying English?

Learning any language is a long-term commitment, and motivation is the key to success. A big part of being motivated (or not losing it at least!) is to enjoy what you’re doing.

The more you like something, the more willing you’ll be to spend time on it even when you’re tired. So if you don’t like studying English, it’s time to look for ways to have fun with it.

The first step is to get rid of learning methods and tools that aren’t working for you.

  • Don’t like memorizing vocabulary with flashcards? Stop doing that.
  • Don’t like your current textbook? Stop using it.

Language learning should be fun and the learning process is different for each person, so don’t feel the need to study the same way as others. 

Instead, think about what you find fun and do that instead! For example, if you prefer making stories out of vocabulary words, do that instead of using flashcards.

The more you enjoy learning English, the more motivated you’ll be, and the more likely you’ll be to succeed.

4. How Much Guidance Do You Have?

Have you ever noticed that Olympic athletes have coaches? If even the best in their field want guidance, we should want it, too!

Most of us cannot become fluent in a language by relying on a free app or reading a textbook. We need our own “coach” too.

So ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have someone to ask questions to? 
  • Is there anyone who can give me feedback on my English skills? 
  • Is there anyone who can give me tips on learning English?

If you don’t have anyone to get this kind of help from, you might want to join a class or find a tutor. 

5. How Much Time Do You Spend Learning?

How much time can you realistically spend on your studies every day? Can you make more time for your studies by, say, waking up earlier?

If you can’t figure out how to fit in more study time, try this:

  1. Make a list of everything you do everyday and include the time you spend on each activity.
  2. After a week, check the list and see what activities you can spend less time on or cut out of your schedule. 
  3. Spend this extra time on studying instead!

And don’t forget, English learning doesn’t have to only happen during your study time. As the New York Times puts it

When you rehearse knowledge and practice it often, it sticks, research has shown. So if you can incorporate what you’re trying to remember into daily life, ideally over time, your chances of retaining it drastically improve.

So try to figure out ways to fit English into your daily life. For example, you can also watch English TV when you do housework or learn English while using social media.

You can also try Engoo. 

If you’ve answered the questions above, you’ll likely have found many ways to learn English more effectively.

But if you’re looking for even more fun and effective ways to learn, check out Engoo

  • Our subscription-based model means that students buy a monthly subscription and take lessons daily, which is possible because each lesson is just 25 minutes!
  • Both our tutors and learning materials are fun and engaging! Simply pick a tutor you find interesting and start a lesson. 

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