Daily News Lesson Roundup: Job Interviews

Job interviews can be stressful — especially if you're having one in a language that isn't your first! So it's important to prepare as much as you can beforehand.
This time, we've collected some Daily News lessons focusing on interviews — what to do before, during and even after you speak with potential employers. Read up so you'll be ready and confident when it's time to meet!
Interview Tips: How to Land Your Dream Job
Level 7: Advanced
This article provides some basic tips on performing well in job interviews. The information here can help you no matter what company you want to join or what position you are applying for.
Interview Tips for Students Going to the US
Level 6: Intermediate
Students looking for work in the US will be asked some special questions that other candidates won't get. But don't worry — this article will help prepare you for what to expect and offer tips on how to answer these questions.
Questions You Should Ask at Every Job Interview
Level 7: Advanced
Job interviews primarily consist of candidates being asked questions by hiring managers. But that doesn't mean candidates don't get to ask questions too!
In fact, it's a good idea to prepare some questions of your own for your meeting. This article highlights three that you should definitely keep in mind.
How to Prepare for Online Interviews

Level 7: Advanced
When conducting interviews online, there are things to keep in mind that you don't need to think about when meeting in person. If you want to present yourself as professionally as possible, review the tips shared in this article.
Dazzle Your Interviewer with the STAR Method
Level 6: Intermediate
Interviewers often ask questions that require candidates to tell a short story about a job experience they've had. One effective way of answering questions like these is using the STAR Method, which consists of four parts. Read the article to learn all about it.
Don’t Make These Interview Mistakes
Level 6: Intermediate
You want to make the best impression you can with the hiring manager in an interview. Of course, being experienced, prepared and confident can help you to do that.
However, there are also some things you should avoid doing if you want to keep your experience professional and positive.
Bosses Reveal Secret Job Interview 'Tests'
Level 6: Intermediate
Not all job interviews are the same, and some managers have unusual strategies when meeting candidates. Rather than only relying on direct questions, they sometimes use other methods to learn about potential staff members. Read to find out what they are!
How to Answer the Most Difficult Interview Question

Level 6: Intermediate
When interviewing for jobs, candidates should be prepared to answer questions about themselves, their work history and their future goals.
One question, however, tends to be more challenging than others when it pops up — and it often leaves interviewees wondering how to respond. Read to see what it is and how to handle it.
4 Things to Do (And Not Do) After a Job Interview
Level 6: Intermediate
So you've completed an interview and you feel pretty good about it. What now?
Well, even though the interview is over, it doesn't mean that you should relax yet, because what you do next can affect your chances of getting the job. Check out this article to learn more!
Job interviews don't have to be scary or stressful if you know what to expect and have prepared yourself appropriately. Study the information in these articles and you'll be on your way to impressing your interviewer and showing them why you're the best candidate for the job!
If you'd like some practice answering typical interview questions before doing the real thing, book a lesson with an Engoo tutor! Many of them have experience helping with this exact task, and they would be happy to help you prepare. Give it a try!