Daily News 10k Campaign Progress Report

In June 2024, we celebrated a big moment in the history of our popular Daily News study materials: we published our 10,000th lesson!
In honor of this achievement, we worked together with the Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation to hold a special campaign; for every 10,000 lessons booked using Daily News, we donated funds to build a classroom in the Philippines.
With the enthusiasm of our students and tutors, we successfully reached and surpassed 50,000 lessons, which allowed us to donate enough money to build five classrooms. We are very grateful to everyone who helped to make this possible!
It's been several months since our campaign wrapped up, and many of you may be wondering about the progress we've made since then. So we'd like to take this time to share with you the progress of the classroom construction in the Philippines.
Progress so far
More than two years ago, a very large typhoon hit the Philippines, causing a large amount of damage to Palawan and many other islands. The disaster destroyed several schools and left many students without a place to learn.
Among those affected was New Cuyo Elementary School. However, through our donation campaign, the school has now been rebuilt from the ground up!
Here is how it looks after completing construction:

We hope it will be an inspiring place for the local children to learn!
Of course, New Cuyo is only one of the five schools we are working to improve. Although the other classrooms are still under construction, we are seeing great progress at each of the sites.
Below are images of construction taking place at Nicanor Zabala Elementary School.

As of now, construction is almost complete and they will be ready to welcome students soon.
Next is Aliudin Pontongan Integrated School, where the floor is already finished and construction of the walls is happening now. These walls will allow each grade level to have its own room, allowing more students to attend at one time.
At Upper Paya Elementary School, building materials have arrived and preparation for construction is almost complete.
Finally, Isla Berde Butawanan Elementary School is currently organizing transportation and plans to purchase construction materials this week.
Stay tuned!
We are happy to see that the construction of each classroom is progressing well, and we look forward to seeing all of them complete and ready to receive excited students.
It is your help and enthusiasm for this campaign that has made this project possible, and we would like to thank you again for your passionate assistance. We will continue to provide updates on the construction status on our social media channels, so be sure to follow us to stay up to date!