Introducing the Content Team: The Voice of Engoo

At Engoo, we're very proud of the high-quality language materials we've made available for both learners and tutors on our platform. Whether you need test-preparation resources or role-play lessons for international travel, you can find them with us. However, all of those materials don't just magically appear, so who's making them all? 🤔
In this article, we’ll be introducing the Content Team, a group of talented people who play a very important role at Engoo. Despite their different locations and backgrounds, they all share the goal of making the best materials for language students you can find. Let’s take a look behind the scenes to learn more!
What is the Content Team?
Every business has departments that are necessary to keep the company operating successfully. Think about teams that focus on human resources, finance or IT, for example. The same is true for Engoo. So where does the Content Team fit in?
As an online learning platform, it is our tutors who are the “face” of the company — the people you imagine when you think of Engoo. We don’t have a business without them! But just behind the tutors is where you’ll find the Content Team. This team’s members are the people responsible for all of the resources Engoo provides to language learners. That means all of the courses and the thousands of Daily News articles on our site. The team also makes content for social media and even this blog.
So just like our tutors, the Content Team focuses directly on our end users instead of working internally or with our business partners. If the tutors are the face of the company, the Content Team is definitely the voice!
Who’s on the team?

Engoo is an international company, so it’s only natural the Content Team is made up of people from all over the globe. The countries represented by team members include New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, Malta, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, the US and Japan. Such a mixed group means many different perspectives and unique voices influence the team's work. However, even with the distance between them, the team occasionally gets together to share ideas in person and to enjoy some valuable face-to-face time.
We’ll have more articles in the future focusing on individual team members, but for now, you can check out our previous interview with Jennifer Whelan about her work as a Daily News Editor.
What’s the purpose of the team?
Some readers may be wondering, if Engoo’s main business is online lessons, why does the Content Team spend the time and effort to create materials? Well, that question has two different answers.
With other language services, tutors may need to learn complicated systems or specific textbooks before they can work. With us, however, teaching materials are designed to be easy to use even for someone looking at them for the first time. This means tutors can focus more of their attention on their students and on giving the best lessons they can.
On top of that, our materials cover many topics, so tutors are prepared to help whether students want to discuss the news or practice pronunciation. We feel this is a great benefit for both students and tutors and separates us from our competitors.
However, that isn’t the Content Team’s only purpose. Engoo wants to be the top provider of online language education, and sharing our materials is a great way to help us achieve that goal. There are so many language schools online, and one way for us to stand out is to offer more than just great lessons; through the Content Team's work, we also provide resources that can be used before, during and after lessons to help students take their learning even further. In other words, the Content Team helps create a complete language-learning experience that you can’t find anywhere else!
What’s next?

The Content Team never wants to “rest on its laurels,” or get too comfortable with what it has already done. While three new courses have recently been added to the Materials Business category, there is much more on the way. Here are just a few of the things the team is working on:
•New courses in the Health & Lifestyle category later in 2023
•An all-new category focusing on the EIKEN test
•More audio recordings — over 1300 recordings have already been added this year
•An increase in the amount of Daily News articles — moving from over 1400 per year up to 1500
The aim is to provide our users with more great materials so they always find lessons that match their interests and language-learning goals. That means the work never stops!
The Content Team is an international group of passionate writers and translators who want to make the best tools for both students and people who help others to learn. It has already done quite a bit, but it aims to do even more in the future.
We hope you've enjoyed this brief look at the team and have learned about its role in Engoo. It takes a lot of work to support a big company, and the Content Team is only one team among many others that are all important. Be sure to check out our upcoming profiles on some of the team members coming soon!