Materials Update: 150 New Conversation Lessons!

Even with all of the great learning materials already available on our platform, we're always working to bring more and better tools to our community of learners.
This time, we're happy to announce an update to our popular category of Conversation materials. Starting on July 10, the intermediate Levels of 4, 5 and 6 will get a big enhancement!

On the Materials page for Conversation, you'll see a section called "Now You're Talking." Here you'll find 50 new lessons available for Levels 4 and 5. In addition, we've added a new section for Level 6, which also has 50 unique lessons. That brings the total to 150 new materials for students to try!
About Conversation lessons
In Conversation lessons, you start by learning vocabulary and phrases related to a specific topic. Next, you read an example dialogue that shows you how the words you've learned are used in a natural way by native speakers.
Once you understand these ideas, the final part of the lesson is practicing what you've learned in a conversation with your tutor.
One of the great things about Conversation lessons is that they cover a variety of useful topics. For example, you can learn to discuss things like the weather, your hometown or traveling to and from work. There are also more advanced lessons on topics such as career paths, climate change and health.
Structure and features
To help make it easier to study, each set of lessons has been separated into groups of five, with the fifth being a review. However, the lessons are designed so that you can study them in any order you like. That means you can choose the topics that are most interesting to you and move at your own pace.
In addition, through the careful use of AI technology, we've been able to group lessons and dialogue examples into consistent difficulty levels. So once you find a lesson you are comfortable with, you can confidently choose others in that range and know that they will be a good match for you.
If you're used to using other types of materials, such as Daily News, why not try something new? Our Conversation materials can give you the tools to discuss many common and important topics with skill and confidence. Give them a try in your next lesson!