22 English Idioms Based on Body Parts

You've probably heard the expression "broken heart" before. It's an example of an idiom based on a part of the body.
But there are many more just like it, and they are used often in daily conversations among fluent English speakers. In fact, they're very useful in many different situations.
This article will explain some of the most common of these idioms, categorized by body part. Are there similar idioms in your native language?
Head start
Meaning: an advantage at the beginning of something
- We speak French and English to our young daughter at home so she has a head start in becoming bilingual.
Have a big head
Meaning: to be arrogant, too confident
- Joe's really gotten a big head since his promotion to manager.
Head over heels

Meaning: very, deeply (in love, usually)
- We're head over heels for our new puppy!
- He fell head over heels for the barista at the local cafe.
Let one’s hair down
Meaning: to relax and act freely
- I need a vacation; I rarely get a chance to let my hair down.
Tear one’s hair out
Meaning: to be very frustrated or worried
- My three toddlers are making me tear my hair out!
Up to one’s ears (in something)
Meaning: to have too much of something
- I'm up to my ears in paperwork; my office is a mess!
Be all ears

Meaning: to be listening carefully
- If you have any advice for me, I'm all ears.
In one ear and out the other
Meaning: to quickly and easily forget something
- I've told them many times, but it's in one ear and out the other.
Turn a blind eye (to something)
Meaning: to ignore, to pretend not to see
- The dirty politicians turned a blind eye to the illegal activity.
Have eyes bigger than one’s stomach
Meaning: to want (or order) more food than one can eat
- I shouldn't have ordered so much; my eyes were bigger than my stomach.
(Have a) big mouth

Verb - to talk too much (usually when sharing secrets or sensitive information)
- He has a big mouth, so don't share any secrets with him.
Noun - a person who shares sensitive information
- Don't be a big mouth.
Put one’s foot in one’s mouth
Meaning: to say something that makes the speaker look bad or feel embarrassed
- Wow, he really put his foot in his mouth with that silly comment, didn't he?
(Have something) on the tip of one’s tongue
Meaning: to almost remember something you want to say
- What's the name of that old TV show? Ahh, it's on the tip of my tongue!
Bite one’s tongue
Meaning: to stay silent instead of speaking
- Don't bite your tongue; tell me exactly how you feel.
By the skin of one’s teeth
Meaning: just barely
- I thought we'd be too late, but we caught the train by the skin of our teeth.
- I passed the exam by the skin of my teeth; one more incorrect answer and I would've failed!
Upper body
Stick one’s neck out
Meaning: to accept a risk (often in order to help someone else)
- Jack stuck his neck out for me, so I have extra motivation to succeed.
Get something off one’s chest
Meaning: to talk about something after keeping it a secret for a period of time
- It really feels good getting that off my chest; I've wanted to tell someone for weeks.
Keep someone at arm’s length

Meaning: to keep a distance from someone
- She keeps everyone at arm's length, so no one knows her very well.
Lower body
Give someone a hand
Meaning: to help
- Can you give me a hand moving this box? It's pretty heavy.
Know (something) like the back of one's hand
Meaning: to know in detail
- I grew up in this neighborhood, so I know it like the back of my hand.
Shake a leg
Meaning: move quickly
- It's time to go, so shake a leg!
“Break a leg!”
Meaning: "Good luck!"
- Your performance is tonight? Break a leg!
Have two left feet
Meaning: to be a poor dancer
- I used to have two left feet until I joined a salsa class.
Dig one’s heels in
Meaning: to be determined to do something in a particular way
- Don't waste your time trying to change his mind; he'll just dig his heels in further.
How many of these idioms are new to you?
As you can see, many parts of the body can be referred to in some unexpected ways. Surprise and impress your tutor or English-speaking friends by using one of these expressions in your next conversation. Just remember not to get a big head as your English improves!