How Many Different Ways Can You Say "Weird"?

You can use "weird" or "strange" to describe things that are not normal, but they have a particular nuance that might not always match the feeling you want to express. Some things are weird in a funny way, while others are weird in a scary or surprising way. What about something that is weird + cute? And are there more polite ways to say something is weird?
There are unique words for all of these, and we've collected them in this article. Learn them all and you'll be ready the next time you see something you don't normally see.
Common synonyms for “weird”

The opposite of "usual" is, of course, "unusual."
To "raise eyebrows" is an expression that means to get people's attention, usually by doing something they are not used to seeing.
There is also the noun form "peculiarity," which refers to a strange feature or habit.
This word also has a noun form, which is "oddity." It's used to describe a strange item.
This word has a stronger nuance than "unusual" or "odd."
Quirky includes the nuance of something being strange in a cute way. Also, "quirk" is a noun meaning a strange habit.
The adjective form means "strange," but the same word can also be a noun. The noun form refers to a person who is strange.
Just like the opposite of "usual" is "unusual," this word is the opposite of "normal."
A "convention" is something that most people agree is the regular way to do something. "Conventional" is the adjective form, so simply add "un-" to make its opposite.
Describing a strange situation

Out of the ordinary
You may have heard the adjective "extraordinary," which is another way to say "amazing." "Out of the ordinary," however, simply means "unusual."
This word includes a nuance of a little bit of scariness. It can be used to describe many things, but it is not used for people. However, you can say a person's behavior or actions are unsettling.
This word means that something is strange in an unrealistic or unbelievable way.
This is another way to say "suspicious." Again, it is not often used for people, but it can be used to talk about their behavior.
This word is a stronger version of "unsettling."
There is also the noun "creeper," which is often used to describe a man who behaves in a strange or inappropriate way with women.
Describing strange behavior

The noun form "idiosyncrasy" can mean "a strange point" or "a unique point," depending on the situation.
This word is similar to "unconventional."
This includes the nuance of comedy or something being funny in addition to being strange.
As an adjective, this is similar to "wacky," and as a noun, it means "an odd person."
Expand your vocabulary!
English is a language with many synonyms. They may be tough to remember at the beginning, but they give you a lot of freedom to express your ideas accurately and creatively.
Learn a few at a time and start adding them into your daily conversations. We promise that your chats will become much more interesting!