How to Tell Someone You Support Them in English

Everyone needs help from time to time. If a friend or family member is going through a difficult situation, or even if they simply feel alone, there are several ways you can say you support them. Similarly, if co-workers need help with a big project they are working on, there are also expressions that are appropriate for business environments.
Some expressions are best for work or physical activity, and some are better for when someone needs emotional support. We'll explain each and offer some examples to help make sure you understand them all clearly.
Expressions for offering emotional support
“I’m in your corner.”

Before every round in a boxing match, each fighter goes to their special corner of the boxing ring to get advice and assistance from their coach. Over time, even non-fighters began to use this expression to refer to help and support.
“I’m with you.”
This is a short and simple way to tell someone they have your support.
Another version of this expression is "I'm on your side."
“I’m here for you.”

This is one of the most powerful ways to let someone know that they can call you for help.
You can emphasize this expression by adding "always."
There are variations of this expression; for example, you can also say, "I'm here if you want to talk" or "I'm here if you just need someone to listen."
A shoulder to lean/cry on
Sometimes there is not much you can do to help a loved one in a difficult situation. In these cases, simply listening to them or letting them know that it is OK to cry is enough.
This expression is similar to "lean on me," which is the name of a famous song by soul musician Bill Withers. Naturally, it is about someone offering help to a friend.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
People sometimes hesitate to tell loved ones about problems. You can use this expression to let them know that they can talk to you if they want to.
“I’ll support you.”
This one is quite simple, but sometimes the simplest expressions are the strongest.
This is often used when the other person has a difficult decision to make or a big challenge to face.
If you add "no matter what," the feeling of support is increased.
Other expressions for support
“You can count on me.”

To "count on" someone means to rely on them or trust that they will help when they are needed. It can also be used to talk about objects, but for now, we'll focus on relationships between people.
This is a casual expression, so it's best used with people you have a good relationship with. It is suitable for both emotional and practical support.
It can also be used in a question format.
“What can I do to help?”
One good way of showing support is by simply asking the other person how you can help them. This is useful when you don't know what the other person needs. It can be used in personal and professional situations.

“I’ve got your back.”
This is a slang expression that is related to "backing someone up." Both idioms create an image of one person standing behind another, ready to offer help or to catch the person if they fall backward.

“My door is always open to you.”
This means that anytime someone needs your support, you will be available to help them.
Rather than assistance for a close friend, this expression is often used in business situations. Imagine a boss or another person with a high rank who allows someone to enter their office anytime they need advice.
“You’ve got this.”
This expression offers support in a different way than the other expressions on this list. It's a shorter way of saying, "You've got this situation under control." The nuance here is that the listener doesn't need help because they are able to succeed by themselves.
Think of watching runners in a marathon; you cannot enter the race and physically help the runners, but you can cheer for them from the side of the road. In that situation, you may yell, "You've got this!" In other words, "You can win!" or "You can do it!" Instead of offering help, you are giving encouragement.
Just as help can come in a variety of forms, so can the ways you offer it to others. Whether with a work colleague or with a best friend, the other person will surely be happy to hear they have your support. Use this list as a guide and pick the expression that is best for your unique situation.