What's the Difference Between "For Sale" and "On Sale"?

There are many English expressions with similar words that can mean slightly different things. One example of this is the pair of terms "for sale" and "on sale." Both are related to the sale of products, but they have different meanings and usages.
This article will explain the differences between the two and will demonstrate the correct ways to use them both. Let's have a look!
What does “for sale” mean?
"For sale" is a common expression used to indicate that an item is available for purchase. It is often used in advertisements for expensive things like cars and houses.
What about “on sale”?
"On sale" is also used to refer to the purchase of goods. However, it also indicates that an item has a reduced price.
This is often used in special promotions and is usually accompanied by a discount rate or the amount of money a buyer can save compared to the original price.
The main differences

As we mentioned before, "for sale" indicates that an item is available for purchase, while "on sale" indicates that an item is available for purchase at a lower price than usual. These are close but not exactly the same!
In other words, just because something is for sale doesn't mean it's also on sale.
Also mentioned earlier, "for sale" is often used for large or expensive items, while "on sale" is common for everyday items and things that are likely to be discounted.
Finally, "for sale" is usually used with the verb "be." On the other hand, "on sale" can be used with both "be" and "go."
A special note about “go on sale”

In some situations, "go on sale" simply means "become available for purchase" and does not indicate a reduced price.
This usage is common when an item is not available yet but will be in the future, and when only a limited number of items will be available, such as concert tickets.
Don’t get mixed up!
Understanding the difference between "for sale" and "on sale" will help make English advertisements and sales promotions clearer to you. Whether you are trying to buy a house, a new pair of shoes or just snacks at a convenience store, it's important to be comfortable with these everyday English expressions.
If you'd like to learn about the differences between other similar vocabulary, we have an article all about them: What's the Difference Between These English Words?
This article was adapted from an original written by Sana