How to Create a Bilingual Environment at Home for Young Learners

If you want your child to be bilingual, you don't need to wait for them to be old enough for classes or special schools. In fact, their education can begin right in your own home with many of the tools you already have.
This article will introduce some tips for turning your home into a great place to boost bilingual language skills. Everyone's living situation is different, so choose the methods that work for you and give your child a head start on global communication!
Tip #1: Just speak!

Just as we all learned our first language, the most important part of creating a bilingual environment is exposure. Books and learning materials are great when the time is right, but very young children aren't able to fully use them yet.
However, even if they're too small to use these materials, they can listen and observe. Kids are great at noticing everything happening around them, so it's important for parents to speak English with them often. It doesn't need to be all the time, but try to reserve at least an hour each day to use English exclusively or as much as possible.
When doing household tasks like cleaning or cooking, talk about what you are doing in simple words. For example: "I'm cutting the vegetables" or "I'm folding the shirts." Also, point out objects around the house while saying their names in English and get them to repeat after you, if they are able.
Tip #2: Use your space

When children get a little older, the previous ideas can be expanded. For example, you can choose special times of the day when only English is spoken — now with everyone speaking instead of just the parent(s). Doing this will bring English into real-life situations instead of just lessons in a textbook.
This idea can be taken further by making certain areas of the home "English-only" zones. Again, each home is different, but if you have enough space to make it work, turn one room into an area where only English is allowed! This can present a fun challenge for your child (and maybe even for you!).
Try to make sure they stick to the rules, so if you speak in English, they should also respond in English. However, don't be too strict; be encouraging and supportive, but it's OK if your child doesn't get it right all of the time. Remember: the goal is to make English communication natural, not to turn it into a stressful task they won't enjoy. If they work at it continually, they will get better at it — and so will you!
Tip #3: Introduce English materials

As we mentioned earlier, English-language materials are great ways to enhance and support a bilingual environment if they are used properly.
Read English stories to your child and give them books they can explore on their own. Also, be sure to give them music, movies and online videos in English that are appropriate for their age. Again, this changes English from something to study into a regular kind of entertainment and play.
When it comes to videos, there are plenty on YouTube featuring songs children can watch to help them learn English. Here are just a few examples:
It's important to choose videos that are appropriate for your child's age and stage of development.
There are also a variety of language-learning apps you can download on your mobile device. Some are free with in-app purchases, while others must be purchased from the start. Some examples include:
Don't forget, however, that even though these apps are educational, it's important to pay attention to your child's screen time.
Tip #4: Include others

While English materials can be helpful, remember that interacting in English will have the biggest positive impact on your child's development.
The tips we've shared so far are mostly limited to the home and the small number of people inside it. But it's also important to give your child the chance to speak with others in English as often as possible. This teaches them that English is not just a tool to use with Mom or Dad; it can be used to communicate with anyone.
Look for ways to increase their interaction and engagement with other English speakers. This can include visits from other family members, but you can also organize play dates with other children who are learning English.
Tip #5: The OPOL method

For homes with two parents who can speak different languages, the OPOL method can be very effective.
With this method, which is short for "One Person, One Language," each parent speaks only one language with the child — for example, Dad speaks French while Mom speaks English. This helps create a clear separation in the child's mind between the two languages and results in less confusion and language mixing.
This strategy may need to be adjusted as time goes on and the child's needs change. And, of course, it requires dedication from the parents — each parent should stick to a single language instead of mixing words and phrases from both, which may be how some couples normally communicate. However, if it can be done well, the results will be worth it!
Each of the techniques we've introduced can be effective alone, but they are best used together. As each home environment is different, parents should look for the combination of strategies that works best for their situation.
Remember that creating a bilingual environment is a process that takes time, so even if you don't start off perfectly, you can make changes as you continue. The good news is that every little bit of English exposure will help your child to become bilingual, so don't wait to get started!