Essential English Vocabulary for Cooking

Not only is cooking an inexpensive way to eat delicious food, it can also be a fun and relaxing hobby.
Also, unlike other activities, cooking provides you with a detailed, step-by-step list of how to do everything. That means you don’t have to guess or wonder if you are doing something correctly; just follow the instructions in the recipe!
If you’d like to give cooking a try, there are many excellent English websites with all kinds of dishes for you to discover. But in order to fully understand them, you’ll first need to know some basic English cooking terms.

This is short for "preparation," and it refers to getting your tools and ingredients ready in order to cook.
"Prepping" is also common.
Cutting words

Cooking often involves lots of cutting. However, there are different ways to cut things.
Dicing something is cutting it into small squares — just like dice from a board game.
Mincing is cutting something into the smallest pieces you can.
*"Call for" is a common term in cooking that means "requires."
This is the most standard way to say "cut" in recipes.
Slicing something is cutting it into flat pieces of a similar size.
This is a verb that means to turn an oven to a particular temperature in order to prepare to cook something.
Baking is using an oven to cook food. Baking is usually associated with breads and sweet food like cakes.
Roasting is also cooking in an oven or over a fire. Roasting is usually associated with meat and vegetables.
Frying is cooking something in oil.
You can also "deep fry" something, which means completely covering it in oil.
There is also "stir-frying," which is cooking something in a frying pan with oil while stirring, or mixing it, with other ingredients.
"Stir-fry" is also a noun for a hot dish of mixed vegetables or meat that has been cooked this way.

This is a verb that means to move food around with a spoon or other kitchen tool. This is done to mix something or to help it cook evenly.
Boiling something is cooking it in water that is so hot that it produces bubbles and steam.
This is different than "boil"!
When you "broil" something, you cook it by exposing it directly to fire.
When food or water simmers, its heat is being kept at a level just below the point when it begins to boil.

As a noun, a grill is a set of metal bars placed over a fire for cooking. When you cook food this way, you are grilling (verb) it.
Sprinkling is adding small pieces of something to a dish or mixture by lightly dropping them on top. Instead of adding the pieces in only one spot, you cover the entire area.
Did you know "season" can be a verb? It means adding salt, herbs or spices to improve flavor.
The noun version is "seasoning."
Pinching is squeezing something small between your finger and thumb. When cooking, this refers to a very small amount of powder, like sugar or pepper.
Learning to cook will open up a new world of tasty possibilities for you. Just make sure you learn the basic vocabulary you'll need in the kitchen. Once you have your recipe, tools and ingredients, dive in and see what you can make! 🍽️