Not in Love? Learn English with Anti-Valentine's Day Songs! [Updated]
![Not in Love? Learn English with Anti-Valentine's Day Songs! [Updated] Not in Love? Learn English with Anti-Valentine's Day Songs! [Updated]](https://assets.blog.engoo.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2024/02/05095039/anti_valentine_english-1024x683.jpg)
Unlike Christmas, there isn't much popular music about Valentine's Day. However, while Christmas songs are usually only heard at the end of the year, songs about love are popular all year long.
But not everyone enjoys Valentine's Day. In fact, many musicians have made songs about the negative sides of love. Some of these anti-love songs have even become big hits around the world.
Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics to these songs to see ways to express heartbreak and other feelings about the darker side of romance in English.
Anti-Valentine’s Day Songs

“Caught Out There” - Kelis
Have you ever been so angry with someone that you just wanted to scream? Kelis has!
This song, released in 1999, is about a woman who has caught her partner cheating with someone else.
Although she sounds calm during the verses, during the famous chorus, she simply yells to let out her anger.
Last year, Valentine’s Day
You would spoil me and say
“Babe, I love you, love you”
(Yo, he’s lying)
“Babe, I swear”
When you "spoil" someone, you are doing too many nice things for them. Although its original meaning is negative, it’s usually positive when talking about close relationships.
- His grandparents always spoil him with birthday gifts every year.
“Tainted Love” - Soft Cell
"Tainted Love" was originally a Soul song by Gloria Jones released in 1964. In 1981, the UK group Soft Cell released their version, which became one of the most iconic songs of the 1980s.
Here, the singer has decided to end a relationship that is unhealthy.
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
And I’ve lost my light
For I toss and turn
I can’t sleep at night
I love you though you hurt me so
Now I’m gonna pack my things and go
When it was released, the term “toxic relationship” was not as common as it is today, but this song is a great example of one. “Toxic” means “harmful or dangerous” and is often related to poison and deadly materials.
- The chemicals in this product are toxic. Keep them away from small children.
In everyday conversations, however, it can describe relationships, people and even environments that are mentally unhealthy.
- Many workers left the company because of its toxic work environment.
- That politician has a very toxic community of supporters.
“Tainted” - Slum Village featuring Dwele
Slum Village, a Hip Hop group from Detroit, Michigan, released this song in 2002.
Like "Tainted Love," parts of this song are about a bad relationship. To "taint" something is to make it dirty or to add something that reduces its quality or strength.
- The scandal tainted the company's reputation.
Here, the rapper is telling a woman that the relationship she is in does not seem healthy, and perhaps she would be happier with someone else.
Yeah, your man is doin’ things I can’t really see
Don’t sound too good
It sounds tainted to me
“Don’t Speak” - No Doubt
No Doubt is a band from Anaheim, California, whose music includes pop, punk and reggae styles.
“Don’t Speak" was released in 1995 and is about a romantic relationship that is ending. However, this is difficult for the singer to accept. Instead of saying it directly, she would prefer her partner not to say anything at all.
It looks as though you’re letting go
And if it’s real, well, I don’t want to know
“Trying” - Nuspirit Helsinki
Nuspirit Helsinki is a group from Finland that makes music incorporating Jazz, House and Soul.
In "Trying," released in 2002, a woman ends a relationship with a partner who has been lying to her. She does not sound angry or depressed. Instead, she sounds confident and ready to move on with her life.
Now you want me to forgive
Start over, then we can begin to live
No way I can trust you now
Find a way, get over me somehow
"Get over" is a phrasal verb with several meanings. When talking about romantic relationships, getting over someone means leaving your feelings for them in the past, which allows you to move forward in a healthy way.
- It took a long time for me to get over my ex-girlfriend, but I'm OK now.
Later in the song, we hear this line:
Why you try to get over on me
This time, the same phrasal verb plus "on" means "to trick or deceive" someone.
- Many dishonest businesses try to get over on tourists who don't know the city well.
Related article: 17 Phrasal Verbs with "Get"
“Hey Ya!” - OutKast
“Hey Ya!” was a huge hit when it was released in 2003. It has a fast tempo and a bright, fun feeling (and music video).
However, many people don’t realize that the song is about the failures of love and the problems relationships create. Do couples stay together because they are in love or simply because of tradition?
We get together
Oh, we get together
But separate’s always better when there’s feelings involved
So why oh, why oh, why oh, why oh, why oh
Are we so in denial
When we know we’re not happy here?
“Bad Blood” - Taylor Swift
When you have "bad blood" with someone, it means something bad happened in the past between you and them and you are still unhappy about it.
In this case, the singer is in pain because of something hurtful that her partner did to her.
Did you think we’d be fine?
Still got scars on my back from your knife
So don’t think it’s the past
These kinda wounds, they last and they last
The second line above refers to the expression "stab someone in the back," which means "to lie to or betray" someone who trusts you.
- Our colleague stabbed everyone in the back when he shared our company's secrets on social media.
“Secrets” - The Weeknd
As we've seen above, cheating is a big cause of many relationship problems.
In "Secrets," the singer confronts his girlfriend about her unfaithfulness. Just like Taylor Swift in "Bad Blood," we can say that he also has been stabbed in the back.
You tell me not to worry ‘bout
Those guys, those guys
You told me that you left it all
Behind, behind
It’s a lie, a lie
I catch you every time
Notice how both here and in Kelis' song, "catch" is used when someone is discovered doing something bad.
“Breaking Up” - Charli XCX
Sometimes a relationship ending is a cause for celebration, not sadness!
In "Breaking Up," released in 2014, the singer lists the reasons why she's happy to leave her boyfriend.
Everything was wrong with you
So breaking up was easy to do
Hated your friends and your family too
So breaking up was easy to do
“Can’t Stand Your Mother” - Lucy Pearl
As mentioned in the previous song, sometimes relationship issues come from a person's family. In this song, released in 2000, the biggest problems a couple seems to have are their mothers!
When you "can't stand" something (or someone), you can no longer accept or tolerate it.
I didn’t really wanna go there
But your momma’s all in my hair
In the closets, in the bedrooms
Saying things that I can’t bear
Being "in someone's hair" means being too involved in their life. It's annoying, and in this case, it's bad enough to end the relationship!
“I’m Not in Love” - 10cc
This is another song many people consider a classic. "I'm Not in Love" was released by British Rock band 10cc in 1975.
While the other songs we've mentioned are about bad relationships and the downsides of romance, the singer of this song keeps repeating that he is not in love at all.
But is that really true? Is he talking to someone else or to himself?
I like to see you
But then again
That doesn’t mean you mean that much to me
So if I call you
Don’t make a fuss
Don’t tell your friends about the two of us
"Making a fuss" means treating something like it is important and special.
- I celebrated my birthday at home with only a few friends; I didn't want to make a fuss about it.
Over the years, Valentine's Day has grown from a day just for couples to a day that can be celebrated in a variety of ways.
So even if you aren't in a relationship, don't let that stop you from enjoying the day however you like. And if you need a break from romance, listen to these songs to hear musicians who feel the same way!