What 'Fluency and Coherence' Mean on The IELTS Speaking Test
The IELTS test is a well-known standard for proving your English skills, and a key part of it is the...
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What 'Fluency and Coherence' Mean on The IELTS Speaking Test
The IELTS test is a well-known standard for proving your English skills, and a key part of it is the...
5 Ways That Violet is Different from Purple
Have you ever seen someone use the word "violet" and wondered what makes it different from purple? Today, let's learn...
How to Politely Say “No” When You’re Asked If You Have Any Questions
Knowing how to speak politely is an important part of learning any language, and there are a lot of different...
What 'Grammatical Range and Accuracy' Mean on the IELTS Speaking Test
Grammar is important to doing well on any standardized test, including IELTS. In fact, grammar – or what IELTS calls...
How to Talk About Santa Claus
With the holiday season here, you may have seen Santa Claus in shopping areas and perhaps on TV. You probably...
3 English Phrases You Should Not Use With Your Boss
When you talk to your boss, you probably try your best to be polite. The problem is that some of...
5 Easy Tips for Making Small Talk in English
Small talk is one of the most common types of conversation you’ll have in English. It can happen in almost...
Why Native English Speakers Say "Have" When They Mean "Eat"
Has a waiter ever asked you “What will you have to drink?” Or have you ever heard a native English...
7 Ways to Politely Apologize for a Late Reply in English
Have you ever wanted to apologize for replying late to an email? Here are seven ways to do that in...
10 Ways to Say You’re Busy Without Being Rude [Updated]
“Busy” is a popular English word, but it isn't always used in the way that many learners think. For example,...
English Phrases to Say When Someone is Sick
Do you have a friend or coworker who’s sick, injured, or looks like they might be coming down with something? ...
10 Ways to Politely Ask for Clarification in English
Whether you're meeting with a foreign client, seeing a doctor, or taking an online English lesson, there will be times...
Caught a Cold or Flu? How to Talk About This in English
It's that time of year again when everyone seems to be catching a cold – or worse, the flu. We...
How to Wish Someone the Best Birthday Ever [Updated]
Greeting messages can be hard to write, and birthday wishes are no exception. To help English learners write the best...
Focus on Fluency: Top 15 Textbooks To Help You Speak English
Choosing what textbook to use is a difficult decision. And if you want to improve your fluency, it gets even...
"Could You" vs "Would You": What's the Difference?
As one of the largest online learning platforms, we get asked a lot of questions about English grammar. Today we’ll...
10 Polite Ways to Ask People to Repeat Themselves
Whether you’re talking to a friend, having a business meeting, or taking an online English lesson, there will be times...
How to Say “My Internet Isn’t Working!” in English
You’ve probably been in a situation where you’re talking to someone online and all of a sudden their video freezes,...