Engoo Blog Language Tips

Topic Focus: How to Be Polite in English

Topic Focus: How to Be Polite in English

Part of being a fluent English speaker is knowing when and how to use polite language. 

This post collects several articles explaining polite English usage for many situations, from business settings to sensitive conversations with friends. If you'd like practice using anything you learn here, book a lesson with an Engoo tutor to try it in a real conversation!

Engoo Blog Articles on Politeness

8 Expressions for Making Urgent Requests Politely

It can be tough asking someone to hurry in a polite way, but it isn't impossible. This list of expressions will help you when you don't have much time to wait in a business situation.

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7 Expressions for Making Demands Politely

Instead of making requests, it may sometimes be necessary to make demands. For times when you cannot accept alternatives, use these expressions to keep your English respectful and your relationships healthy.

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5 Tips on Saying “No” To Invitations in the Nicest Way Possible

When refusing an invitation, it's very important to choose your words carefully so you don't offend the person who invited you.

There are special phrases you can use to show appreciation while still communicating that you cannot accept. Learn them here.

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What Does it Mean to “Soften” Your Language?

White feathers

Using softer English means saying things in an indirect way so that you do not hurt anyone's feelings. Knowing how to do this well is an important skill not only in business but in all areas of life.

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7 Ways to Politely Apologize for a Late Reply in English

It's not always possible to reply to messages when you'd like to. For example, you might've been very busy, you may have forgotten, or perhaps you temporarily lost your internet connection.

No matter the reason for your delay, these expressions will help you to apologize appropriately.

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10 Polite Ways to Ask People to Repeat Themselves

"One More Time" spelled out in colorful shapes

English learners may feel nervous about asking someone to repeat something they've said. However, even native speakers need to do this from time to time. Use these phrases when you find yourself in these situations.

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10 Ways to Politely Ask for Clarification in English

Even when you've clearly heard your conversation partner, you may still be confused about what they're saying. When you need clarification, use the phrases introduced here.

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How to Politely Say “No” When You’re Asked If You Have Any Questions

It's always best to answer honestly when you're asked if you have any questions. If you understand everything clearly, the phrases in this article are better alternatives than a simple "No."

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16 Words for Describing Different Body Types

Bodies and body types can be a sensitive topic for many people, so having the correct vocabulary to discuss them respectfully is important. 

From small sizes to large ones, this article explains the most important terms for you to know, along with example sentences so you can see how they are used in real conversations.

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Bonus: Daily News Lessons on Politeness

An annoyed woman sitting next to a man who is looking at his phone

Before we wrap up this article, here are a few lessons from Engoo's popular Daily News service that relate to politeness, both in language and manners. 


Polite English isn't only used in business settings. Even when speaking with friends or family, you should know the right expressions to avoid being insensitive or too direct. Doing this helps to keep your relationships healthy and strong. 

This article will be updated as we post more articles on polite English, so be sure to check back for updates in the future!