How to Avoid Saying “I Don’t Know” Directly
If you don't know the answer to a question, how do you respond? In professional settings, it's often better to...
Using Your Head: 15 Different Ways to Say "Think"
10 Ways to Say You’re Busy Without Being Rude [Updated]
"No way, José!" Other Ways to Say "No"
Even though English students often learn synonyms for lots of words, many don't know alternatives to one of the most...
Still Saying "Very"? Use These Adjectives Instead [Updated]
There's an easy way to improve your English vocabulary: avoid the word "very." Instead, use stronger adjectives. This time, we'll...
Words and Expressions Related to Singing
Music is known as the "universal language," meaning everyone understands it, even if our native languages are completely different. Singing is...
Are There Other Ways to Say "Etc."?
We don’t always need to list every example of something we’re talking about. In most cases, naming two or three...
In Vogue: 11 Alternative Expressions for "Popular"
People, places and events that are popular are naturally a big topic of conversation. And whenever lots of people are...
"Take it Easy!" 10 English Expressions for Relaxing
Life can be busy and stressful sometimes. Whether it's because of responsibilities at work, assignments at school, or spending time...
7 Alternatives for "Sometimes"
How often do you… …go out to eat? …travel abroad? …meet with friends? …brush your teeth? Naturally, we all do...
How to Use "Authentic," One of 2023's Most Important Words
Merriam-Webster is responsible for one of the oldest and most well-known dictionaries in the US. In November of 2023, they...
*Yawn* Other Ways to Say "Bored" and "Boring"
Lectures. Bad movies. Travel delays. We all experience situations that leave us feeling bored from time to time. But while...
"You're Fired!" Expressions for Joining and Leaving Companies
In November of 2023, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI was fired by a powerful group of his colleagues. OpenAI...
10 Ways to Say You’re Busy Without Being Rude [Updated]
“Busy” is a popular English word, but it isn't always used in the way that many learners think. For example,...
How to Wish Someone the Best Birthday Ever [Updated]
Greeting messages can be hard to write, and birthday wishes are no exception. To help English learners write the best...
What "K" and "M" Mean on Social Media [Updated]
Have you ever noticed that English social media sites often feature random letters of the alphabet? For example, at the...
How to Say "I Love You" in English and Actually Mean It [Updated]
A common question many English learners have is, "What are some different ways to say 'I love you'?" Well, you...
"What's Up?": How to Use It and Respond to It
"What's up?" If you have English-speaking friends or watch English TV and movies, you've probably heard this expression before. Even...
Still Saying "Very"? Use These Adjectives Instead [Updated]
There's an easy way to improve your English vocabulary: avoid the word "very." Instead, use stronger adjectives. This time, we'll...
"Take it Easy!" 10 English Expressions for Relaxing
Life can be busy and stressful sometimes. Whether it's because of responsibilities at work, assignments at school, or spending time...
7 Alternatives for "Sometimes"
How often do you… …go out to eat? …travel abroad? …meet with friends? …brush your teeth? Naturally, we all do...
*Yawn* Other Ways to Say "Bored" and "Boring"
Lectures. Bad movies. Travel delays. We all experience situations that leave us feeling bored from time to time. But while...
How Many Different Ways Can You Say "Weird"?
You can use "weird" or "strange" to describe things that are not normal, but they have a particular nuance that...