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21 Reviews

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Hi, my name is Praneil and I come from South Africa. I have a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree in Psychology and have a passion for speaking to people. My favourite hobby is football but also enjoy watching movies and playing video games. Please join my classes for an exciting conversation.

star 4.97
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  • Charlesstar4

    틀린 것 Correction 잘 해주시고, 말씀도 천천히 하시고, 항상 잘했다고 해 주시고~ 정말 좋은 선생님이세요. c2

  • Jessiestar5

    Praneil is very patient and active in correcting my grammar during conversations. I enjoy learning English and sharing my habits with Praneil. Have a nice day!

  • Wasana Rudeephaisit star5

    Tutor Praneil is so nice and he could motivate me to do something even we talked to each other in a very short time.

  • Somstar5

    Teacher is kind. He speaks slowly. I study with Native speaker, I think it difficult for me. Thankyou

  • Clairestar5

    Speak slowly so that it is easy to understand. And he is very kind.

South Africa
South Africa
SchoolUniversity of KwaZulu Natal
HobbyPlaying football
Favorite MoviesFast and Furious