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Katie D

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10 Reviews

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Hello, my name is Katie and it's really nice to meet you! I am from Melbourne, Australia but I live in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. My hobbies include sewing, horse riding, anime, video games and watching sports. I am very fascinated by meeting people from all across the world so I look forward to working with you! :)

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    초반에는 좀 그랬는데 나중에는 괜찮아 졌어요 이 선생님이 말이 굉장히 빠르셔서 영어를 아직 배운지 얼마 안 된 분들은 좀 어려울 수 있어요 이 분이랑은 프리 토킹 하시면 좋을듯!

  • Phoenixstar5

    Good to talke to her. She looks very outgoing and made me comfortable during our conversation. Thanks!

  • rossistar4

    Talking too fast a bit unclear

  • maystar5

    There must be something wrong with the connection : teacher said she can hear me but I can hardly hear her voice throughout the lesson. A frustrating monologue!

  • Jinastar5

    She is optimistic and funny :) Definitely I'm gonna book on her classes again.

SchoolRMIT University in Melbourne
HobbyAnime, video games, shopping, watching movies, making kimono
Favorite MoviesHarry Potter, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Kimi no na wa, Koe no Kotachi