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    Reliable Tutor:
    - Has a cancellation rate of less than 1%
    - Teaches at least 80 classes per month

16 Reviews

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Good day! My name is Shiela from the Philippines. I have been working as an ESL tutor for several years now. This 2024, I obtained my TESOL certification from Arizona State University. Teaching is a career path I am committed to pursuing long-term. Please help me succeed in this journey. I firmly believe that every day presents a great chance to learn something new. Learning a new language can feel intimidating and daunting, but it’s also incredibly rewarding, especially when it comes to English. English is a global language, as I always emphasize to my students. English is essential because knowing how to speak English means you can survive anywhere in the world. Let's make learning English enjoyable and relaxed. I hope to see you in my next class!

star 4.96
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  • Dosunistar5

    늘 편하게 수업 이끌어주시고 피드백도 자세해요^^

  • Tidawan Wanwised star5

    Funny class ,Good teacher

  • dffca755-1df8-43e2-9476-b92eaacc2a4estar5

    Teacher is super sweet and active 💪 Want to have 2nd class with Shiela.

  • Sunnystar5

    친절한 쉴라선생님. 감사합니다. 설명도 잘해주시고, 티칭에 탤런트가 있으신분같습니다.

  • Sunnystar5

    선생님 아주 친절하고 차분하게 잘 가르쳐주십니다 제게 딱 맞는 선생님 찾은거같아서 열심히 영어공부해보렵니다

SchoolCollege of Lipa
HobbyWatching movies and series
Favorite MoviesAny Romantic Comedy.