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13 Reviews

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Hello there, my name is Mary and I absolutely love reading, speaking, and teaching English and Swahili! I have acquired a few awards in essays, public speaking contests and spelling bees growing up. I have taught English and Swahili for years now. I always wanted to become an English tutor so as to help in turning the world into a global village. While there is nothing wrong with knowing more than one language, I speak three different languages myself, we all agree that English does bring the world that much closer, doesn't it? I like to make my lessons fun - nobody likes a boring lesson, I'm adaptable and open so as to make me the most effective tutor I can be. I would really like to teach you English and Swahili, or both. Let's do this!

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  • Hsiang-Ju Kungstar5

    The teacher is very enthusiastic, but the internet is unstable and got disconnected twice.

  • Tingstar5

    Mary is cheerful, friendly, and fun to talk to. Enjoyed the lesson very much!

  • Oliviastar5

    선생님이 너무 친절하고 수업을 잘해주셨어요.

  • Lilystar5

    good teacher :)

  • Ju Yeonstar2

    전체적으로 대화를 잘 리드하지 못해 대화의 흐름이 뚝뚝 끊어지는 느낌이에요.

SchoolKenya Coast National Polytechnic
HobbyReading books, watching movies and comedies, cooking
Favorite MoviesSurvivor