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    Reliable Tutor:
    - Has a cancellation rate of less than 1%
    - Teaches at least 80 classes per month

8 Reviews

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Hello! I am Maxine, and I study Psychology. I also joined journalism competitions like English Radio-Broadcasting in junior high school and joined as an officer of our university department's organization. I love listening to music and watching movies. I am here to extend my knowledge of the English language as an ESL Tutor and would love to set up a class with you soon.

star 4.93
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  • Dianastar5

    Maxine is a really good teacher and it's super easy to feel confortable with her.

  • Leestar5

    최고의 선생님인 것 같아요. 매우 자세하게 틀린 말들을 수정해주시네요. 많이 배웠어여. 감사합니다.

  • Brysonstar5

    She is a very good teacher, kind and patient, and with correct pronunciation. Unfortunately, the network is unstable, or it will be a perfect experience.

  • Guanstar5

    老師很好聊 很漂亮~

  • KRIDIPstar5

    She is a good listener. This is my first time with Engoo and she makes me comfortable to speak, I was bit nervous before but now all my nervousness goes away. I become a comfortable speaker in my first day. Thank you Maxine

SchoolSouthwestern University PHINMA
HobbyListening to music, Watching movies, Creating art
Favorite MoviesStranger Things, Harry Potter, and Studio Ghibli Films