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Hello and welcome to my profile! If you're looking for a teacher who is always passionate about learning English as well as teaching, I'm here for you. As for my qualifications, I have received C2 proficiency on Cambridge CPE, which is considered by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as equivalent to IELTS 8.5-9.0 and superior to getting a perfect score on such English examinations as TOEIC, Eiken Grade 1, and TOEFL. In fact, I received a perfect score on my first-ever TOEIC exam, and I have passed Eiken Grade 1 five times since my first and successful attempt in March 2021, with notable achievements being a perfect score for reading, two near-perfect scores for writing (only one point subtracted), and 10/10 for pronunciation. I have been working arduously on my American accent and therefore have a deep understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet. I usually spend my free time reading books, listening to audiobooks, and watching videos. I read English news every day and am ready to discuss various topics with you.

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SchoolTokyo University of Science (discontinued)
Hobbyreading books, listening to audiobooks, Netflix, English learning
Favorite MoviesThe Matrix, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Baby Driver