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    Reliable Tutor:
    - Has a cancellation rate of less than 1%
    - Teaches at least 80 classes per month

12 Reviews

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I took up Bachelor of Psychology in Malaysia. I have always loved both English Language and Literature and enjoyed writing essays during my school days. My hobbies include reading literature books, sketching, and even singing. Some of my favorite books are Harry Potter, The Book Thief and The Hearts Invisible Furies. I also sincerely enjoy sharing my knowledge on books and stories.

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  • Soonilstar5

    She always listens to me and corrects my mistakes. She is kind and smart. Always helpful lesson!

  • Soonilstar5

    She is a good teacher. It was a helpful lesson. She is kind and pleasant. Thank you!

  • CCYYstar5

    A great teacher,see you next time thank you: )

  • Janicestar5

    Thank you she is so pleasant to talk to and professional teacher leading class wonderfully hope to have her class soon 😊

  • Tongstar5

    Teacher Zeenath is very very nice

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
SchoolLincoln University College, Malaysia
HobbyReading books and drawing
Favorite MoviesThe Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit/ Pirates of the Caribbean