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    Reliable Tutor:
    - Has a cancellation rate of less than 1%
    - Teaches at least 80 classes per month

11 Reviews

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I'm an education graduate by profession and a licensed teacher. I finished my degree with flying colors and passed the licensure examination for teachers on my first take. Since then, I've decided to use my expertise in teaching. I have been in this field for quite a while now for both face-to-face and online classes. It's just so fulfilling to see students improve and learn in your class. I am passionate of what I'm doing, and therefore I always prioritize my students' needs. I don't only teach to teach, but I also teach to learn. I've always believed that a great teacher is not someone who is good at teaching, but one who is good at learning with their students. I am looking forward to becoming your teacher and having fun in our future class together. Always remember that an investment in learning, pays the best interest. See you!

star 4.98
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  • janekim40star5

    She was kind and friendly. I wanna meet her again :)

  • Jollystar5

    재미있게 수업했습니다. 밝고 잘 웃어주셔서 좋았습니다

  • Perrystar5

    Teacher guided me to use the correct sentences. Thanks.

  • Oatstar5


  • Ploystar5

    Zel kind and accent is good, I wanna continuous learning with her Thank you for your teaching me.

SchoolCebu Technological University
HobbyWatching videos
Favorite MoviesFast and Furious