0 ReviewsHi, I am graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. I am a TESOL certified teacher since 2019, and I have been an online English teacher for many years now. Teaching is my passion, but I don't just teach, I also motivate my students to learn the English language. Don't be shy, and try to talk as much as you can so you can practice. Don't feel embarrassed when you make mistakes, because whenever you make mistakes, you will get the opportunity to learn new things. I will make our lessons fun, engaging, and very informative. See you soon!
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Country | Philippines |
Age | 45 |
Gender | Male |
School | AMA Computer College |
Hobby | Cycling, Cooking, Watching Youtube Videos that shows me how to make some cool stuff |
Favorite Movies | Harry Potter Series, Star Wars, The Fast and The Furious Series. |