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4 Reviews

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During my senior high school, I placed second in an inter-school news broadcasting competition. I did not expect to return home with a prize, especially since I have no experience in journalism. Because of that encounter, the motto “If you never try, you will never know” has always been stuck in my mind. My spare time is devoted to watching anime and Western shows, reading novels and manga, and playing online games. I also have a great interest in the field of medicine and science. I became an English tutor to encourage students that learning English is never boring but rewarding. What makes me a great teacher is that I am a learner too. I can relate to the students since I am also trying to learn another language, Nihongo. I decided to become a tutor since I believe I would also learn a lot from my students, just like how they will learn a lot from me. And I think that makes the whole learning experience enjoyable.

star 4.98
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  • Jeabstar5

    Teacher Denz is so fun, I like to learn with her.

  • PAULstar4

    연결이 원활하지 않았어요

  • Noraphatstar5

    Thank you for today

  • Jeabstar5

    Teacher Denz is so kind. I like to talk with her.

SchoolDavao Doctors College, Inc.
HobbyWatching anime and Western shows
Favorite MoviesMulan