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    Reliable Tutor:
    - Has a cancellation rate of less than 1%
    - Teaches at least 80 classes per month

7 Reviews

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Hi, I’m Patrick. Nice to meet you. I am from England. I lived in Tokyo for 5 years before moving to Shimane more than a decade ago. Before coming to Japan, I traveled to some countries and also worked in the hospitality industry in Australia, Ireland, and the UK. I have been teaching English for many years and have experience with all levels. I have experience teaching private lessons online and in a classroom. I can help with grammar, pronunciation, reading, listening, and speaking skills. I have taught all age groups from elementary school to senior citizens. I can help beginners to better understand and express themselves in English. I can also help more advanced students to deepen their understanding of English. Having lived in Japan for a long time, I hope my lesson style is good for Japanese students. I hope to give kind, polite, and relaxing lessons that are also useful, constructive, and informative. My goal as a teacher is to maximize student speaking time and help students get the most out of lessons. I will adapt my lesson to whatever the students need and hope to learn. I look forward to helping you.

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  • Charlesstar4

    오늘도 역시 즐거운 수업이었습니다. c3

  • Anniestar5

    정말 좋은 선생님이세요

  • Charlesstar4

    좋은 분위기로 유쾌하게 수업을 끌어가 주시네요.

  • CWstar5

    친절하게 잘 가르쳐 주십니다. 반복도 시켜주시고, 편안하게 회화할 수 있게 도와주세요

  • coolju02@sk.comstar5


SchoolAllhallows school
HobbyListening to and playing Music, reading, gardening and movies.
Favorite MoviesWithnail and I